– What’s coming up…

Ecosaurus is now live – but this is only the beginning.

Our first goal is to bring together on one platform all the best and most informative planet related videos from the UK and around the world.

We hope by curating these videos together we can help amplify their message to a wider audience. wants to be a place of entertainment, education and inspiration.

This is just the starting point. We have big plans for the future.

Producing our own video content is high on the agenda.

In the first instance this will take the form of interviews with people on the frontline of the planet positive movement – be they activists, educators or entrepreneurs.

If you have a story to tell or a message to get out and would like to be interviewed please get in touch.

Look out for the first interviews coming in the next few weeks.

Beyond creating our own content we are keen to connect with citizen video journalists who are documenting the good, the bad and the ugly of what is happening to our planet.

If you take videos of what is happening in your area – be it XR actions, local pollution incidents, or green celebrations – we would love to hear from.

These are our big plans for growing over the coming months.

In between, and along the way, we will be adding features to build a community around Look out for news on that in the coming weeks.

We also want to add a bit of fun, and reward, to the site. So starting next week we will be running regular contests.

The prizes will be modest to start but we hope to grow them as the site progresses. If any companies would like to offer suitable planet friendly prizes we will be happy to hear from you.

That’s all for this Friday afternoon.

Enjoy the videos and play your part.
