Vanessa Nakate at Youth4Climate – “It’s time…”

In her keynote speech at the Youth4Climate conference in Milan, Ugandan climate justice activist Vanessa Nakate told world leaders that is it is time to wake up and take action.

Living in Uganda Vanessa Nakate says she regularly sees the impact of climate change first hand.  Uganda has one of the fastest changing climates.

Africa is the lowest emitter of CO2 of all continents except Antarctica. Despite accounting for only 3% of historical CO2 emissions the continent is now seeing the worst impacts of climate change.

Many Africans are losing their lives and their livelihoods due to ever more frequent droughts, floods, and heatwaves.

The UN has declared that Madagascar is on the brink of the world’s first climate change famine.

The key question is who is going to pay to deal with these impacts of climate change.

Vanessa Nakate called on global leaders to provide more funding – but as grants not loans. Loans would only add debt on top of existing debts.

She concluded…

It’s time, it’s time and don’t forget to listen to the most affected people and the most affected areas.

Vanessa Nakate began striking for climate justice in January 2019. She is the founder of the Rise Up Movement and Youth for Future Africa.


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